1. Catherine, never in my life have I seen someone like you who consciously chooses to live in what people may refer to as underdeveloped countries. But then again, I’m only 23, so my life experiences are not very vast.

    You seem like a very nice person who genuinely cares for others. Many people today are very spoiled and completely out of touch with the real world, but you’re very knowledgeable about world conflicts, why they happen, who benefits from them, and how.

    I’m curious to know, how long do you typically spend in a country? And what tells you that it’s time to travel somewhere else?

    1. Yusuf, first of all, do not denigrate yourself because you’re only 23, I am very sure you know things I do not know. I choose to live in what some people term underdeveloped countries because indigenous people tend to still keep it real. I have lived through a lot of world conflicts since I am 69 years of age. And I have always been curious about what underpins those conflicts. I investigate by following the money trail. For instance, you can find out a lot about covid by following the patents of the vaccines.

      Anyway to answer your question. I am more a slomad these days. I tend to stay put for three months in a place and then leave, usually to extend or change my visa. Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment

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